Ladybirds Ladybirds
Stag beetle male Stag Beetle (m)
Lesser stag beetle male Lesser Stag Beetle (m)
Red-headed cardinal beetle Red-headed Cardinal
Black-headed cardinal beetle Black-headed Cardinal
Rose chafer Rose Chafer
Agapanthia_villosoviridescens Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn
Acorn weevil Acorn Weevil
Red lily beetle Red Lily Beetle
single streaked bombardier beetle Single-spotted Bombardier
Red-tipped flower beetle Red-tipped Flower Beetle
Thick-legged flower beetle male Thick-legged Flower Beetle (m)
Thick-legged flower beetle female Thick-legged Flower Beetle (f)
Oedemera lurida Oedemera lurida
White-spotted Rose Beetle White-spotted Rose
Leaf beetle - Cryptocephalus aureolus Cryptocephalus aureolus
May bug May Bug
Black and yellow spotted longhorn beetle Black & Yellow Spotted Longhorn
Wasp beetle Wasp Beetle
Wasp nest beetle Wasp Nest Beetle
Cassida vibex Tortoise Beetle
Mustard Leaf Beetle Mustard Beetle
orange beetle Sphaeroderma rubidum? Sphaeroderma rubidum
Chrysolina banksi leaf beetle Chrysolina banksi
Cereal Leaf Beetle Cereal Leaf Beetle
Viburnum Beetle Viburnum Leaf Beetle
green beetle 2
Green Dock Beetle Green Dock Beetle
Flea beetle Crepidodera aurata Willow Flea Beetle
Cabbage Stem Flea beetle Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle
Leaf beetles Altica Flea Beetle
Leaf beetle More Leaf Beetles
Common Reed beetles Common Reed Beetle
Golden Reed Beetle Golden Reed Beetle
Short-winged Flower Beetle Brachypterus urticae Short-winged Flower Beetle
Black-tipped soldier beetle Cmn/Black-tipped Soldier
Cantharis livida Soldier Cantharis livida
Cantharis rufa Soldier Cantharis rufa
Cantharis rustica sailor Rustic Sailor
Cantharis pellucida soldier Cantharis pellucida
Cantharis figurata soldier beetle Cantharis figurata
Cantharis limbata soldier beetle Cantharis limbata
Devil's coach horse Devil's Coach Horse
Devil's coach horse larva Devil's Coach Horse larva
Rove beetle Rove Beetle
Brown Rove beetle Rove Beetle
Tachyporus hypnorum Rove beetle Tachyporus hypnorum
Tachyporus chrysomelinus Rove beetle Tachyporus chrysomelinus
other rove beetles other Rove Beetles
ground beetle Anchomenus dorsalis Anchomenus dorsalis
Ground beetle red Ground Beetle
Crucifix ground beetle Crucifix Ground Beetle
Acupalpus meridianus ground beetle Acupalpus meridianus
Poecilus cupreus Ground beetle Poecilus cupreus
ground beetle 2 Ground Beetle
Agonum emarginatum ground beetle Agonum emarginatum
Harpalus affinis Ground beetle green Harpalus affinis
Harpalus rubripes Ground beetle Harpalus rubripes
ground beetle
ground beetle with ants Ground Beetle
Darkling - Churchyard beetle - Hegeter amaroides (or tristis?) Churchyard Beetle
Burying beetle - Nicrophous humator Burying Beetle
white-spotted beetleSix-spotted Spider Beetle
Pill Beetle Pill Beetle
Athous haemorrhoidalis Redbrown Click Beetle
Common Click Beetle Common Click Beetle
False Click beetle??False Click?
Larder beetle Larder Beetle
Variegated carpet beetle Variegated Carpet
Variegated carpet beetle larva Variegated Carpet Larva
Carpet Beetle Anthrenus fuscus Anthrenus fuscus
Fur beetle Fur Beetle
beetle 2-spotted Carpet
2-spotted carpet beetle larva 2-spotted Larva
Furniture beetle Furniture beetle
Woodworm furniture beetle Woodworm/Furniture beetle
Water beetle Water Beetle
Common Black Diving beetle Cmn Blk Diving Beetle
Hypera pollux weevilWeevil Hypera pollux
Pea Leaf weevilPea Leaf Weevil
Common Leaf weevil Phyllobius pyriCmn. Leaf Weevil
Green Nettle Weevil Leaf/Green Nettle Weevil
Leaf weevil Leaf Weevil
Common weevilsGreen Leaf Weevils
Aplle Twig Cutter WeevilTwig Cutter Weevil
Black vine weevil Black Vine Weevil
Newly-emerged Black Vine Weevilnewly-emerged BV Weevil
Green line
Black and red froghopperFroghoppers
Blue ShieldbugShieldbugs
Mirid bugMirid bugs
Water boatmanWater Boatmen
German cockroachCockroach
Green line
Beetles make up around a quarter of all known animal species and nearly half of all insect species.
Mylabris calida blister beetles European (non-UK)
Fruit Beetle/Chafer African
Domino Beetle Asian
Huhu Beetle Australasian
Sunburst Diving BeetleAmerican
Volkswagen BeetleVolkswagen Beetle