Green-naped Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus haematodus

Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
The Green-naped Lorikeet was for a long time the "nominate" subspecies of "Rainbow" lorikeet, ie its Latin name is Trichoglossus haematodus haematodus. It is the most common of the rainbows and is native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
Another former subspecies, the Swainson's or the Moluccan Lorikeet, is what most people refer to as "Rainbow" as that is from Australia mainland and the most multi-coloured and, since it was split out to become a separate full species (link below), the Green-naped is losing its "rainbow" epithet. Some call it the Coconut Lorikeet after another subspecies.
Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
The Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet has a bright blue face over black under-feathers, a green speckled nape, greenish-yellow collar (the male usually yellower and the female more light green), red breast with dark feather edges, solid dark green belly and mottled green and yellow vent and thighs.
Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
After the splitting out of Swainson's Rainbow, the Sunsets, the Red-collared, Marigold and others to full species, nine subspecies of Green-nape or Coconut Lorikeet remain: T.h. haematodus (Green-naped), T.h. caeruleiceps (Pale-headed), T.h. nigrogularis, T.h. massena (Massena or Coconut), T.h. deplanchii (Deplanche's), T.h. intermedius, T.h. micropteryx, T.h. flavicans, T.h. nesophilus.
Green-naped Rainbow Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
Green-naped Lorikeet
With so many subspecies and/or races remaining, there are notable variations in plumage. Some of the subspecies are shown on separate pages (links below). Those shown immediately above, described as Green-naped, have less obvious dark edging to red breast feathers, or even narrow green edging, and brighter blue heads than those higher up on the page. The last image shows a male with brighter collar, darker head and stronger dark edges to chest feathers and a female with narrower edges.
There are many other Rainbow/Greennape subspecies, not all illustrated here.
Rainbow Lorikeet comparison
Lory/Lorikeet index