Edward's/Marigold Lorikeet Trichoglossus (prev. haematodus) capistratus

Edward's Lorikeet
Marigold Lorikeet
Edward's Lorikeet, also known as the Marigold Lorikeet, is a former "Rainbow" lorikeet moved from a subspecies of the Rainbow T. haematodus to its own species. It is native to Timor.
Marigold Lorikeet
Marigold Lorikeet
Edward's Lorikeet
It has a dark green head with dark blue on brow/cheeks/chin and brighter blue flecks on brow and cheek with some lighter green flecks on the nape. The collar is yellow (esp. males) or greenish-yellow (esp. females), the breast yellow (esp. females) or orangey-yellow (esp. males), the belly is dark green with a tinge of blue and the thighs mottled green and yellow.
Marigold Lorikeet Underwing with orange and dark grey with a yellow stripe.
Marigold Lorikeet Male with bright yellow collar and orange yellow chest.
Edward's Lorikeet Female with greeny yellow collar and pale yellow chest.
Marigold Lorikeet Some males with particularly dark heads, particularly orange chests and very dark green bellies can resemble the Stresemann's Sunset Lorikeet.
There are many other Rainbow and ex-Rainbow subspecies, not all illustrated here
Rainbow Lorikeet comparison
Lory/Lorikeet index