Mediterranean/Common Chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon

Common Chameleon
Mediterranean Chameleon
The Common or Mediterranean Chameleon is the only chameleon species present in Europe although its range has declined massively through habitat loss and capture for the pet trade. It remains in southern Iberia, Malta, Cyprus and some Greek Islands and is also present in the Near East, some of the Middle East and North Africa along the Mediterranean.
Common Chameleon
Common Chameleon
Mediterranean Chameleon
Like other chameleons, it has grasping feet with three toes on one side and two on the other for climbing. Colour ranges from sandy yellow through green to brown. Colour intensity changes according to mood, temperature and social interaction.
Mediterranean Chameleon
Common Chameleon
Common Chameleon
The tail is prehensile (can wrap itself around a branch for stability).
Mediterranean Chameleon
Common Chameleon
Common Chameleon
The eyes can swivel independently, so one can look forwards and one backwards.
Common Chameleon juvenile
Common Chameleon
Mediterranean Chameleon