Domestic Goat Breeds Capra aegagrus hircus

Domestic Goat
Domestic Goat
Domestic Goat
Goats have been domesticated for thousands of years, descended from wild mountain goats. They are sure-footed, hardy, intelligent, curious, vegetarian and are not fussy eaters. They provide diary (milk, cheese), meat, hides and pets. Males are called billy goats, females are nannies and young are kids. Most males and some females have horns, both can have beards.
Alpine Goat
Alpine Goat
Alpine Goat
The Alpine Goat originated in France and is mainly a diary breed with high milk yield. The British Alpine includes Swiss stock.
Saanen Goat
Saanen Goat
Saanen Goat
The Saanen, an all white goat, is a Swiss diary breed. The British Saanen was developed mainly from the Saanen with some local stock.
Boer Goat
Boer Goat
Boer Goat
The Boer is a South African breed, mainly white with chesnut brown on the head and floppy ears. Goats climb well and eat any vegetation they can reach.