Madagascan Ground Boa Acrantophis madagascariensis

Madagascan Ground Boa
Madagascan Ground Boa
Madagascan Ground Boa
The Madagascan Ground Boa, also called the Malagasy Ground Boa, is native to open woodland of north, west and central Madagascar. A non-venomous constrictor, it can grow to 10 feet (3 metres), the largest snake on the island. It is well-camouflaged, solitary and nocturnal. Prey is rodents and birds.

Dumeril's (Ground) Boa Acrantophis dumerili

Dumeril's Boa
Dumeril's Ground Boa
Dumeril's Boa
The Dumeril's Boa is a ground boa that lives in forest leaf litter in regions of west and southwest Madagascar and Reunion.
Dumeril's Ground Boa
Dumeril's Ground Boa
Dumeril's Boa
It can grow to some 8 feet (2.5) metres. It eats rodents and birds but also lizards and other snakes.