Gidgee Skink Egernier stokesii

Gidgee Skink
Gidgee Skink
The Gidgee Skink is more like a spiny lizard than a glossy skink. Native to scrub habitat in southern Australia, it hides in rock crevices like spiny-tailed lizards, with its tail of raised spines outwards.
Gidgee Skink
Gidgee Skink
Gidgee Skink
Like other Spiny-tailed Skinks (among the Egernier species), it climbs well. Diet is plants and invertebrates.
Gidgee Skink
Gidgee Skink
Gidgee Skink with Bearded Dragon With Bearded Dragon
It is a social animal living in groups. It is said to recognise family members, know their relationship and sometimes pair monogamously.
Gidgee Skink with baby
Gidgee Skink with baby
Gidgee Skink baby
Parent with baby.