Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura bakeri

Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
The Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana, also called the Black Iguana, is native to mangrove swamps on the tiny Honduran island of Utila. Unfortunately these mangroves are being cleared away for the development of beach hotels and scuba diving holidays and the iguana's survival is threatened.
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
The only iguana living in mangrove swamps, it is mostly arboreal. It is mainly vegetarian, eating leaves, fruit and flowers, but also eats insects and aquatic fauna.
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
Utila Spiny-tailed Iguana
The males have longer crests than the females and can grow up to 30 inches. The babies are the only iguanas to be black (or dark grey) on hatching.