Golden-bellied Mangabey Cercocebus chrysogaster

Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
The Golden-bellied Mangabey is native to swamps of a small area of the Congo River in D.R. Congo, Central Africa.
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Mangabeys live in troops and communicate with a range of facial expressions as well as shrieks, whoops, grunts and chuckles. The male Golden-bellied, one of the White-eyelid mangabey group, is dark grey with a white beard and rump, and an orange chest, belly and inner thighs.
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
The female is brown-grey with an orange chest, belly and inner thighs.
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
Golden-bellied Mangabey
The Golden-bellied used to be classed as a subspecies of the Agile Mangabey, also from the Congo area, but is now classed as a separate species.