The Bushbaby or Galago is several species of small, brown-grey nocturnal primate from Africa.
The Lesser or Senegal Bushbaby/Galago is native to forests of West, Central and part of East Africa.
Like other Bushbabies, the Lesser Bushbaby is arboreal, fast and can jump great distances
for its small size. Its omnivore diet includes insects, birds, eggs, fruit, seeds, nuts, flowers and tree gum.
Also like other Bushbabies, it is communicative, with two main means of communication: urine and vocal.
The former is spread on its hands to transfer to branches to find its way back in the dark and is used to indicate ownership,
including of territory and of females by males. The later is used for social contact, to warn of predators or aggression, and as
a rallying call at the end of the night to gather the group at a communal sleeping area (branches, nest of leaves or tree hole).