Green-striped Flower Beetle Eudicella hornimani (gralli?)

Green-striped Flower Beetle
Green-striped Flower Beetle
Green-striped Flower Beetle
This is thought to be the Green-striped Flower Beetle, Eudicella hornimani, although the Flamboyant Flower Beetle, also called Striped Love Beetle, E. gralli, looks similar.
Green-striped Flower Beetle
Green-striped Flower Beetle
Green-striped Flower Beetle
Both species are native to rain forests of Central and East Africa. They reach some 25-40mm long.
Green-striped Flower Beetle male
Green-striped Flower Beetle female
Green-striped Flower Beetle
Like other flower beetles, the males have a branched horn for fighting and the females have a shovel face for digging.