This species used to be called the False Penguin Tetra when the original Penguin Tetra was T. obliqua, sometimes
now called the Short-striped; T. boehlkei, the more usually seen species, is now often called just Penguin Tetra. It is native to
small streams and river margins of the Peruvian Amazon and Brazilian Araguaia rivers and grows to 6-7cm long. The true or original Penguin Tetra is
native to the central Brazilian Amazon and grows to 8cm. Both are schooling species with similar habits, as is a third species,
T. ifati, the Half-striped Penguin of French Guianan waters.
The False Penguin Tetra has a wide, bold black lateral stripe from gill to lower tail fin (as shown). The Half-striped Penguin
has a similar bold stripe from lower tail fin but to only halfway along the flank. The Short-striped or original Penguin Tetra has a black
lower tail fin but a poorly-marked, thin line up towards the dorsal fin; the line is sometimes not visible at all.