Madagascar Rainbowfish Bedotia madagascariensis/geayi

Madagascar Rainbowfish
Madagascar Rainbowfish
Madagascar Rainbowfish
The Madagascar Rainbowfish is one of two species native to a small region of eastern Madagascar. Both B. madagascariensis and B. geayi are called Madagascar Rainbowfish although the latter, from river drainages slightly south of the former, is also called the Red-tailed Silverside. They have slightly different colour patterns on some fins (on this page is the B. geayi).
Madagascar Rainbowfish with Panchax Male Madagascar Rainbowfish with Panchax.
Madagascar Rainbowfish with Panchax Female Madagascar Rainbowfish with Panchax.
Madagascar Rainbowfish Male Madagascar Rainbowfish.
They grow to some 10-12cm long and are related to (with similar habits to) the Australasian rainbowfishes. Males are more brightly-coloured than females.
Madagascar Rainbowfish
Madagascar Rainbowfish
Madagascar Rainbowfish
Both species are threatened by habitat loss.