Green-winged or Papuan King Parrot Alisterus chloropterus

All three species of King Parrot have striking combinations of red (head/breast), green (wings) and blue (rump, collar, tail) plumage.
Green-winged King Parrot
Papuan King Parrot
The Papuan or Green-winged King Parrot is native to Papua New Guinea. The male has much more vivid colours including a richer red, a bright blue and (despite its name) more blue in its dark green wings which gives more contrast to the almost luminous light green streak.
Green-winged King Parrot
Green-winged King Parrot
Papuan King Parrot
The parrot illustrated above is one of three subspecies with distinct ranges: Alisterus chloropterus moszkowskii. Unlike the two other subspecies, the female resembles the male with a red head, but is paler with a much less contrasting wing-stripe and greener upper back. The females of the other two subspecies (chloropterus and callopterus) have green heads.
Papuan King Parrot Blue mantle.
Green-winged King Parrot
Papuan King Parrot Showing royal blue back and rump.
Green-winged King Parrot
Green-winged King Parrot
Papuan King Parrot