All three species of King Parrot have striking combinations of red (head/breast), green (wings) and blue (rump, collar, tail) plumage.
The Papuan or Green-winged King Parrot is native to Papua New Guinea. The male has much more vivid colours
including a richer red, a bright blue and (despite its name) more blue in its dark green wings which gives more contrast to the
almost luminous light green streak.
The parrot illustrated above is one of three subspecies with distinct ranges: Alisterus chloropterus moszkowskii.
Unlike the two other subspecies, the female resembles the male with a red head, but is paler with a much less contrasting wing-stripe and greener upper back.
The females of the other two subspecies (chloropterus and callopterus) have green heads.
Blue mantle.
Showing royal blue back and rump.