Red-rumped Parrot Mutations Psephotus haematonotus

Turquoise Red-rumped Parrot
Turquoise Red-rumped Parrot male
Red-rumped Parrot turquoise mutation
Turquoise and other colour mutations of Redrump Parrots are bred in aviculture.
Turquoise Red-rumped Parrot male
Turquoise Red-rumped Grass Parrot
Red-rumped Parrot turquoise mutation
Red-rumps are grass parrots/parakeets.
Red-rumped Parrot multi-coloured mutation
Red-rumped Parrot yellow mutation
Red-rumped Parrot multi-coloured mutation
Joseph is a Redrump mutation with a coat of many colours - all derived from colours in a male Redrump natural plumage.
Red-rumped Parrot mutation
Joseph with his coat of many colours
Red-rumped Parrot multi-coloured mutation