Congo Peafowl Afropavo congensis

Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl male
The Congo Peafowl is less colourful and much smaller than the Blue and the Green Peafowl and not closely related. As the name indicates, they are native to the Congo in central Africa.
Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl male
Shy, the bird was recognised by science only in 1936 and is slightly related to the Guinea Fowl. Unusually with peafowl and birds generally, the female is more colourful than the male.
Congo Peafowl Male and female Congo Peafowl in breeding plumage
Congo Peafowl The male has colourful blue and green highlights and . . .
Congo Peafowl a red neck patch and strange, untidy white and black crest
Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl
The straggly white crest and glossy blue chest highlights
Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl
Congo Peafowl
The hen's breeding plumage on her back and wings is bright green with dark blue tones but becomes straggly olive green and then brown as she moults.
Congo Peahen
Congo Peahen
Congo Peafowl