The Screamers are large birds of South America looking a little like turkeys but have partially webbed feet,
swim well and are distantly related to Australia's Magpie Goose (also has partially-webbed feet).
Like Africa's Spur-winged Goose, they have spurs on their wings for fighting. They don't have the bill typical of geese/ducks.
They can also fly well but don't migrate.
The Southern or Crested Screamer shown here (others are the Northern/Black-necked and the Horned)
is native to the central band of South America.
It is about 3 feet tall. Male and female have similar plumage, usually grey but can be brown.
They can be domesticated and their loud screams (can be heard over 2 km away) used as intruder alarms.
Screamers are said to be the evolutionary link between geese/swans and pheasants/poultry.
Southern Screamer pair
Size comparison: Egyptian Geese