Common/Scarlet Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus

Scarlet Rosefinch male
Common Rosefinch male
Scarlet Rosefinch female
The Common Rosefinch, called the Scarlet Rosefinch in the UK, breeds across most of Eurasia, migrating to southeast Asia in winter.
Scarlet Rosefinch male
Common Rosefinch male singing
Scarlet Rosefinch female
The adult male, above left and centre, has a red head, breast and rump; the female, above right, has two faint white lines on her wing like the male but no red plumage.
Scarlet Rosefinch male
Common Rosefinch male
Scarlet Rosefinch male
Most of the photos on this page (except 2 female rosefinches) are from Alexandra Makhnina, taken in Kazakhstan.
Common Rosefinch Male Rosefinch
Scarlet Rosefinch female Female Rosefinch
Scarlet Rosefinch male with female Red-headed Bunting