Giant Vinegaroon Mastigoproctus giganteus

Giant Vinegaroon Whip Scorpion
Giant Vinegaroon Whip Scorpion
The Vinegaroons are species of Whip Scorpions. They have no sting or toxin. The name vinegaroon is from their ability to spray attackers with acetic acid. The Giant Vinagaroon is native to deserts of Arizona and Mexico. It can grow to 2.5 inches (6 cm) long excluding the whip tail. It has 6 insect-like legs for motion, 2 front legs for detection of prey/vibration/taste like antennae and 2 modified palps like arms for crushing invertebrate prey. It has 2 top eyes and 6 side eyes, but vision is not good.
("Vinegaroon" goes well to the tune of "Metal Guru" by T-rex).