Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle Podocnemis unifilis

Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
The Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle is native to deep rivers and freshwater lakes of the Amazon and Orinoco Basins and the Guianas. It can grow to some 45 cm long and weigh 8 kg.
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle juvenile
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle juvenile
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle young
The young have a yellow-spotted face and head but the spots fade as adults age.
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
It is mainly aquatic outside the pre-breeding and egg-laying season, but does also bask and travel on land. Eggs are laid in sandy banks. Hatchlings are mainly carnivorous but adults are mainly herbivorous.
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle
Their survival is threatened by habitat loss, dams, pollution, hunting and egg collection.