(African) Pancake Tortoise Malacochersus tornieri

Pancake Tortoise
Pancake Tortoise
Pancake Tortoise
The African Pancake Tortoise is named after its relatively flexible, flatish shell and flat body profile which allows it to fit into narrow rock crevices in its native East Africa. It can move faster than most tortoises and will prefer to run to the protection of a crevice than to withdraw into the shell, where possible.
Pancake Tortoise juvenile
Pancake Tortoise juveniles
Pancake Tortoises
The shell markings of the juveniles, above, are bold starlike patterns. Adults can grow to some 20cm length.
Pancake Tortoise
Pancake Tortoise
Pancake Tortoise
The markings fade with age. The Pancake Tortoise is threatened by habitat destruction and over-collection for the pet trade.