Common Collared Lizard Crotaphytus collaris

Common Collared Lizard Common Collared Lizard
Common Collared Lizard with Zebra-tailed Lizard Common Collared Lizard with Zebra-tailed Lizard
The Common Collared Lizard, also called the Eastern Collared Lizard (the nominal subspecies), is native to dry, open habitats of southern central USA through to Mexico.
Common Collared Lizard
Common Collared Lizard
Common Collared Lizard
Named after the black double collar, males can be very colourful with blue-green bodies, yellow spots and yellow heads. Females are blue-grey with pale body spots and dark spots on head and limbs. The larger males can reach 38cm long. The lizard can run on its two hind legs up to some 25 km/h to escape predators.