Tokay Gecko Gekko gecko

Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko shedding skin
The Tokay Gecko, with the lovely Latin name "Gekko gecko", is native to rainforest, cliffs and human settlements from northeastern India across much of Southeast Asia.
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
It can lighten or darken its grey colour to try to blend in with its background. It is a large gecko reaching some 14 inches (35 cm including tail) length. Males are territorially defensive.
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
It is usually arboreal, cliff-dwelling or urban and climbs walls well. The toes have filaments which trap pockets of air for suction grip.
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
Tokay Gecko
It is nocturnal, hiding during the day. It eats mainly insects but also small reptiles/mammals/birds.