Double-striped Pug Gymnoscelis rufifasciata

Double-striped Pug moth
Double-striped Pug moth
Wingspan 15-20mm; UK flight time Jan-Aug.
Double-striped Pug moth Without flash . . .
Double-striped Pug and with flash

Common Pug Eupithecia vulgata

Common Pug moth
Common Pug
Wingspan 15-18mm; UK flight time May-Aug.

Mottled Pug Eupithecia exiguata

Mottled Pug
Wingspan 20-22mm; UK flight time May-Jun.

Grey Pug Eupithecia subfuscata

Grey Pug As with many night species, its pattern is not very clear by artificial light. Wingspan 17-21mm; UK flight time May-Aug.

Green Pug Pasiphila rectangulata

Green Pug moth
Green Pug moth
Green Pug moth
The amount of green on wings and body varies. Wingspan 15-20mm; UK flight time Jun-Jul.

V-pug Chloroclystis v-ata

V-pug moth
V-pug moth
V-pug moth
Also green, the V-pug has a dark V shape on each forewing and has less of a butterfly spread shape and more geometrid shape. Wingspan 14-19mm; UK flight time May-Jun in south and again in August but just once in Jun-Jul further north. Photo above right thanks to Martin Starnes; he says species was identified using this site - always good to know.

Pimpinel Pug Eupithecia pimpinellata

Pimpinel pug moth
Pimpinel pug moth
Thanks to Martin Starnes for these photos of the Pimpinel Pug, moth prevalent in south and east UK and across Europe to Central Asia and North Africa. Wingspan 20-23 mm; UK flight time Jul-Aug. (Freyer's Pug can look similar.)

Foxglove Pug Eupithecia pulchellata

V-pug moth Wingspan 18-22mm; UK flight time May-Jul.