Various night-flying moths

Kent Black Arches moth KENT BLACK ARCHES, only the fifth record in Hertfordshire. Wingspan 18-24mm; UK flight Jun-Aug.
Meganola albula
moth without scales A curious moth which seems to have lost most of its scales (not a "clearwing").
Mottled Umber moth MOTTLED UMBER, a resilient winter moth; male flies Oct-Jan, often the earliest seen in year; female also virtually wingless. Pattern variable. Photo by Terry Hobbs who likens it to a girl jumping.
Erannis defoliaria
Waved Umber moth WAVED UMBER, a spring-flying moth looking like tree bark and with a spiky frill to the edge of its underwing. Usually camouflaged sideways on tree with body horizontal. 36-42mm wingspan.
Menophra abruptaria
Marbled White Spot moth MARBLED WHITE SPOT, a variable moth. Wingspan 20-22mm; UK flight May-Jul.
Protodeltote pygarga
Small Square Spot moth SMALL SQUARE SPOT, a faded specimen. Wingspan 28-33mm; UK flight May-Sep.
Diarsia rubi
Barred Straw moth BARRED STRAW, adopts unusual position. Wingspan 28-33mm; UK flight Jun-Jul.
Eulithis pyraliata
Yellow-tail moth YELLOW-TAIL, also called Gold-tail and Swan Moth. Wingspan 28-35mm - female larger and with gold tail; UK flight Jul-Aug.
Euproctis similis
Dingy Shears moth THE LYCHNIS, named after the lychnis and campion plants favoured by the caterpillar. Wingspan 30-40mm; UK flight Jun-Sep.
Hadena bicruris
Dingy Shell moth DINGY SHELL, not dingy with its golden highlights; keeps its wings erect. Wingspan 23-25mm; UK flight Jun-Jul.
Euchoeca nebulata
Dingy Shears moth DINGY SHEARS, also not so dingy. Wingspan 32-42mm; UK flight Jun-Jul.
Enargia ypsillon