Hebrew Character Moth Orthosia gothica

Hebrew Character moth
Hebrew Character moth
The Hebrew Character moth flies in spring, as early as March, and is relatively common over much of UK and Europe. The Hebrew Character moth looks similar to three other, summer-flying, moths - see right/below. Wingspan: 30-35mm. Flies March-April.
Hebrew Character moth
For comparison: the Setaceous Hebrew Character, Xestia c-nigrum, unrelated to the Hebrew Character moth but related to the Double Square-spot below. Flies May to September.

Double Square-spot Moth
Xestia triangulum

Double Square-spot moth
Double Square-spot moth
Double Square-spot moth
The Double Square-spot, bigger than the Hebrew Character, flies in summer, June-July, and looks almost identical to the Triple-spotted Clay, Xestia ditrapezium, another summer-flying moth.
Wingspan: 36-46mm.