Chacoan Peccary Catagonus/Parachoerus wagneri

Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Peccary
The Chacoan Peccary is native to the arid Chaco bush of Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina. Resembling the Collared (especially) and White-lipped Peccaries, they are larger with longer ears, snout and tail and they have a hind toe and different dentition. Peccaries' habits and ecological niche are similar to the wild pigs of Eurasia/Africa. They live in herds.
Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Peccary
Chacoan Peccary
All 3 remaining species of Peccary are in different genera; the Chacoan Peccary is the last of its genus. It was first described from fossils and presumed extinct, although known to native people. It was found still living by "science" only in the early 1970s. It remains threatened, particularly by hunting and habitat destruction.