Dusky Langur Trachypithecus obscurus

Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
The photogenic Dusky Langur, also called the Dusky Leaf Monkey and the Spectacled Langur, is native to forests of Burma, Thailand and Malaysia.
Dusky Leaf Monkey
Dusky Langur
Diet is mainly leaves, but also fruit and seeds.
Spectacled Langur
The spectacles.
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
The word "langur" comes from the Hindu for long tail, which all langurs have to help them in the tree-tops.
Dusky Langur
The thighs are silvery grey.
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
They live in groups of typically a couple of dozen monkeys and communicate mainly by facial expression. The babies have orange fur.
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
Dusky Langur
More facial expressions.