The Agile Gibbon is native mainly to Sumatra, Indonesia and parts of Borneo, Malaysia and Thailand.
"Ref! Someone's interfered with my cricket ball."
The Thinker
Fur can be black or brown with a white brow. The adult male usually has white or grey side burns.
Agile Agile Gibbon
Aerial grooming
Retreated to a secluded, high bar to enjoy not one but two hard-boiled eggs. Like other apes, gibbons have opposable thumbs.
Letter from home
Love letter
Immediately above is a hybrid of the Agile Gibbon with the closely related Grey Bornean (Mueller's) Gibbon (also called the Agile Bornean).
This is a naturally-occuring hybrid in rainforest areas of central Borneo where the two species' ranges overlap.
They live in small, mainly hybrid, groups, occasionally with one or other of the true parent species.