Mongolian Jird/Gerbil Meriones unguiculatus

Mongolian Gerbil
Mongolian Jird
The Mongolian Jird or Gerbil is native to Mongolia, China and part of Russia.
Mongolian Jird
Mongolian Gerbil
Mongolian Jird
They look like large mice with long, furry tails and dark-painted toenails.
Mongolian Jird
Mongolian Gerbil
Mongolian Jird
They live in large family-based groups in burrow systems in the sandy soil of steppe, semi-desert and grassland. All family members will defend their burrow system and all will gather seeds, plants and fruit for the large communal food store.
Mongolian Jird
Mongolian Gerbil
Mongolian Jird
In the wild, they are all generally a sandy colour to match their environment.
Green line
Domestic Gerbil
Pet Gerbil
The domestic Gerbil kept as pets and used in science are the same species as the wild Jird or Gerbil.
Domestic Gerbil
Pet Gerbil
The domestic Gerbil has been bred with various fur colours based on black, white, grey and ranges of brown and including patches of white on another base colour.