The Jaguar is the third largest of the four roaring "big cats" (after the Tiger and the Lion) and the only one from the Western Hemisphere.
It is native to South and Central American jungle.
The usual colouring is a golden background with black spots (rosettes). Male and female are similar.
Its appearance is similar to a Leopard but it is stockier and has a wider head.
Occasionally some are "melanistic" (they have dark coats). Both melanistic Jaguars and Leopards are also called Black Panthers.
In good sunlight the underlying spots can sometimes be seen.
Jaguars have pinhead spots in their rosettes and whiter cheeks than Leopards.
Like Tigers, Jaguars like water and can swim well.
They are usually solitary except when mating or, in the female's case, raising young. Third photo above is of 3 cubs (2 golden, one black).
Jaguars have the strongest jaws and bite force of all cats. They prefer large prey such as tapir, deer, cattle and caiman.