The Bull's Horn Cockroach, also called Bullshead, gets its name from the patterns on the adult's pronutum which often
resemble a bull's head with horns. It is also called the (Giant) Peppered Cockroach because of its peppered wings and large size.
It is native to Central and South America. Up to 7cm long, one of the largest, females are
larger than males. Although adults have wings, they don't fly; nymphs have no wings.
Wonderful eye mask - actually the top of the head.
Nymph more "peppered" than usual.
The Bull's Horn lives mainly in entrances to caves and eats any decaying plant or animal matter it can find.
Like other cockroaches, it is gregarious and several generations live together. Adult males have a hierarchy, with dominant males higher
up the branches or walls. Its lifespan is about 2 years.