Emperor Dragonfly Anax imperator

Emperor Dragonfly male
Emperor Dragonfly
The Emperor Dragonfly is the largest dragonfly in the UK. Above is a male, showing the blue eyes, enamelled thorax, blue body with black centreline and anal claspers.
Emperor Dragonfly emerging from exuvia
Emperor Dragonfly emerging caught by spider's web
The first photo above left shows an Emperor Dragonfly, a fearsome predator of the insect world, emerging from its nymph exuvia. Emerging from the cramped shell and straightening out is a slow process. The second picture, above right, shows that a quick spider has immobilised the Emperor with web at strategic points.
Emperor Dragonfly female
Emperor Dragonfly ovipositing
Emperor Dragonfly female laying eggs
The female Emperor (Empress) is greener and less brightly-coloured. Here she is seen "ovipositing" - laying her eggs on the underside of water plants.
Emperor Dragonfly female
Emperor Dragonfly ovipositing
Emperor Dragonfly female laying eggs
Communal egg-laying
Emperor Dragonfly reflecting Female Emperor reflecting -- on where to lay eggs
Emperor Dragonfly with Scarlet Darter Size comparison: Female Emperor with male Scarlet Darter
Emperor Dragonfly with exuvia Emperor Dragonfly with exuvia