Red Devil Vampire Crab Geosesarma hagen

Red Devil Vampire Crab male with only one claw.
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
There are several species of Vampire Crab, a terrestrial, mainly nocturnal, forest crab that lives near streams and rivers in South and Southeast Asia (mostly the latter). One, Geosesarma dennerle, a cream and violet species native to Indonesia, was given the name "Vampire" due to its colours, particularly bright yellow eyes (and possibly nocturnal habit); the name was then applied to all others in the genus including the Red Devil above, but "Vampire Crab" without a further adjective usually applies to "dennerle" (the Blue Vampire).
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
The Red Devil Vampire Crab is terrestrial, native to tropical forests close to streams and waterfalls in Java, Indonesia.
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
The body is less than an inch across and the legspan less than 2 inches (5cm) wide. Males have large red claws and a red or orange back.
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Females are less bright red and with smaller claws. Juveniles are cryptic brown.
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
Red Devil Vampire Crab
They eat algae, mosses and invertebrates.
Red Devil Vampire Crab The boxer.
An eye for an eye. "An eye for an eye."
Red Devil Vampire Crab "Over there."