Blue Tiger Butterfly Tirumala limniace

Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly male side
The Blue Tiger Butterfly is native to South and Southeast Asia.
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly male side
There are several very similar-looking butterflies, including the Dark Blue Tiger (Tirumala septentrionis) also of South and Southeast Asia, the Scarce Blue Tiger (Tirumala gautama) of India, the Blue Tiger/Blue Wanderer (Tirumala hamata) of Australia, the Blue Glassy Tiger (Ideopsis vulgaris) of Southeast Asia, the Glassy Tiger (Parantica aglea), the Dark Glassy Tiger (Parantica agleoides), the Chocolate Tiger (Parantica melaneus) and others. As well as individuals varying and several subspecies, there are also mimics/look-alikes using inedible Danaids as protective camouflage.
Blue Tiger Butterfly male
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly
The male has a small brown flap (pheromone pouch) on the hind wing (shown above left) and the female (above centre/right) has continued blue colour instead of the flap.
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly female
The black and white body spots warn potential predators that these butterflies whose caterpillars have eaten milkweed are distasteful and poisonous.
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Blue Tiger Butterfly
Scarce Blue Tiger Butterfly? This one could be a Scarce Blue Tiger -- see link below.