Red Helen Butterfly Papilio helenus

Red Helen Butterfly male
Red Helen Butterfly female
The Red Helen is one of the Swallowtail Butterflies and is native to South and Southeast Asia. The male, above left, can be fairly black on the topside, especially if its forewings cover the white patches on the hind wings; both have red circular patterns on the edges of the underside.
Red Helen Butterfly female
Red Helen Butterfly
The female, above left, has red markings also on the topside edge of the hind wings. As with many swallowtails, losing the tail with age is common.

Black and White Helen Butterfly
Papilio nephelus sunatus

Black and White Helen Butterfly
The Black and White Helen is one of the subspecies of Papilio nephelus, native to South and Southeast Asia and Australasia. The Black and White Helen of Malaysia looks a little similar to the Red Helen topside but without the red markings and with additional white bars on the topside forewings. The above may instead be the similar subspecies P. n. albolineatus of Sumatra/Borneo?