The Great Yellow Mormon is also called Asian Swallowtail (confusingly, as others have this name, including the Chinese Yellow Swallowtail,
Papilio xuthus) and the Sunset Swallowtail. Native to Indonesia, Borneo and the Philippines, its wingspan can reach 125mm/5 inches.
The females (above) and males (below) look very different and the female has many different forms.
The male Great Yellow Mormon Butterfly topside looks like a tailed version of the male Great Mormon, with additional sandy speckling.
Male and female Great Yellow Mormon butterflies coupled - both look similar to their Great Mormon counterparts.
A dark female form coupled with a tattered male.
Underside of one of the above pairs - the male has tails, unlike the Great Mormon male.
The sandy-streaked, tailed male in the above pair.
More tailed male Great Yellow Mormons with a sandy gold wash on their black forewings.
Female: tailless, white forewings, dark, spotted hind wings.
Tailless, white forewings.
Tails, white forewings, dark, spotted hind wings with blue scales.
Sepia forewings
Side view: yellow-bodied female laying eggs on underside of leaf.