Mexican or Himera Longwing Butterflies mimics Heliconius hortense/ Heliconius himera

Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
The Mexican Longwing Butterfly is native to southern Mexico and northern Central America. It is sometimes called the Mountain Longwing although it is not found only in mountain areas. It looks similar to the butterfly shown on this page but HAS WHITE BARS ON THE FOREWING instead of pink and they have a particular pattern that differs a little from those shown.
They could also be hybrids of H. himera and the Small Postman.
They may also be a related mimic species or other heliconian hybrids that fly in the same regions.
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
One related species that looks similar is Clysonymus Longwing (NOT SHOWN), Heliconius clysonymus, which is less pink. It looks like an inverted Postman Longwing, with a red bar instead of white and white bars instead of red. It is also, strangely, called the Yellow Longwing, and is native to territory adjoining that of the Mexican Longwing, from southern Central America to northern South America. It has several subspecies. However, its red bar does not have such a "frayed" trailing edge and its white forewing bar is a totally different shape from the butterfly above, which may be a hybrid or mimic of the Mexican Longwing.
not Montane Longwing Butterfly
hybrid Himera-Erato Butterfly?
hybrid Himera-Erato Butterfly?
The above also bear a resemblance to the Clysonymus Longwing, also called Montane Longwing, but have a more frayed red bar and a different shape of white bar. Some hybrids of Heliconius himera and the closely related Small Postman, H. erato, look remarkably similar, especially to the ones above centre and left.
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly
Heliconius himera? or clysonymus?
The butterflies above have the right colour scheme for Mexican and Clysonymus Longwings (Heliconius clysonymus) but the white bars on the forewing are the wrong shape for either, and above right differs from above left/centre - possibly H. himera or clysonymus or timareta. They may be other Postmen hybrids or mimics flying in the same area.
Penelope or Himera Longwing Butterfly Could be Himera hybrid again but also looks a little like H. m. penelope from central South America, but much less red rays or fore and hind wings.
Doris/Mexican-type Longwing Butterfly Another variation on the theme that is not a Doris nor Mexican nor Montane nor Himera.
Mexican-type Longwing with plain hind wing This one looks similar to those in the top 2 rows but with a plain hind wing.