(Malayan) Black Hornbill Anthracoceros malayanus

Malayan Black Hornbill male
Malayan Black Hornbill female
Malayan Black Hornbill pair
The Black Hornbill, also called the Malayan Black and Asian Black Hornbill, is native to Southeast Asia (mainly Malayasia, Singapore, Thailand, Borneo and Indonesia). They have a disproportionate casque on the bill, ivory-coloured on the male (above) and black on the female (who also has pink around her eyes). The body and wings are black but they have a white under tail band.
Malayan Black Hornbill male
Malayan Black Hornbill
Malayan Black Hornbill female
She (above centre) has lighter irises than he has as well as the pink round the eye.
Malayan Black Hornbill male
Malayan Black Hornbill female
Some Black Hornbills, both male and female, have thick, white (or silvery) eyebrows running down to their nape.