Osprey Pandion haliaetus

Osprey Florida
Osprey Florida
Recognisable with its bandit mask and light front, the Osprey is one of the few species of animal which has a presence on every continent except Antarctica.
Osprey Costa Rica
Osprey Kazakhstan
Osprey Kazakhstan
Sometimes referred to as the Fish Eagle, its diet is entirely fish and it is well-adapted for taking large, slippery fish directly from the water in its talons.
Osprey Costa Rica
Osprey Costa Rica
Osprey Costa Rica
The photos on this page were taken by Alexandra Makhnina in Florida, Costa Rica and Kazakhstan.
Osprey Florida
Osprey Florida
Osprey Florida
In northern Eurasia, Ospreys are migratory, breeding in summer and leaving for the southern hemisphere in autumn. In the tropics, they are resident all year.