The colourful Red-capped Parrot, also called Red-capped Parakeet, is native to Australia and is related to the Rosella parakeets.
It is also known as the Pileated Parakeet, a name that is usually applied to the South American Pileated Parrot.
The adult male Redcap with full red cap, yellow neck and blue-grey front
The adult female (above) often has a partially red cap infused with green as well as a less yellow neck. Both have yellow rumps.
A young Redcap above has the grey front of the adult female and juvenile but has yet to develop the red or
partially red cap of the adults.
The Latin name of the bird includes a first word half-Latin/half-Greek meaning purple head and a second
word "spurius" meaning "illegitimate" since the juvenile (above right) looks so different from the adults.
The Redcap's relationship to the Rosella family can be seen in the similarity of the broad, blue-green tail above.
The underside