Pesquet's Parrot Psittrichas fulgidus

Pesquet's Parrot female
Pesquet's Parrot male
Pesquet's Parrot is a big, shiny, black parrot with bright red underside. It is native to New Guinea.
Pesquet's Parrot
Vulture Parrot
Pesquet's Parrot
While large-bodied, its recorded length is only 46 cm since it has a relatively short tail.
Pesquet's Parrot
Vulture Parrot male
Pesquet's Parrot
It is sometimes called the vulture parrot because of its featherless face - to stay clean while eating large fruit. (The Vulturine Parrot is a separate South American species.)
Pesquet's Parrot
Pesquet's Parrot female
Pesquet's Parrot
The male (above centre) has a small red patch of feathers by the back of the eye; the female doesn't have this. Populations are vulnerable through continued habitat loss and hunting/trapping.