The Military Macaw has a green coat with turquoise blue mottling on the nape, sky blue wing edges, red upper and yellow underside tail,
yellow under wings and a bright bushy red forehead. Its face is usually white or light pink with black/dark brown feathered lines on the cheek, but
(like some people) the face turns a redder pink when the bird is excited.
The name "Military" comes from the green and red soldiers' uniform colours (cf. Soldier Beetle, a green and red beetle) but
understates the true colourful plumage of the parrot.
The Military Macaw is native to Mexico (larger Mexicana subspecies) and north-eastern South America (smaller subspecies).
The Great Green Macaw, also called Buffon's Macaw, (see link below) is similar but significantly larger and without blue mottling on the nape.
His lady has made a nest in the grass clump (she can be seen behind the grass) . . .
he is helping to dig out a burrow with his massive beak (above) and clearing soil with his feet.
The beautiful light blue/turquoise back and wings.