Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus

Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
The Great Crested Grebe is native to freshwater lakes through much of Europe and Asia. It is resident in the temperate regions but migrates south in winter in colder areas.
Great Crested Grebes
Great Crested Grebe with fish
Great Crested Grebe
In winter plumage (above right), the head is mainly white except for the crest; the reddish-brown feathers and "flaps" are breeding plumage only (male and female).
Great Crested Grebes courting
Great Crested Grebe courting
Great Crested Grebe courting
Courting: a double Bad Hair Day. They perform wonderful courtship dances including synchronised running on water.
Grebes courting
Grebes courting
Grebe and Coot reflection The amazing reflection (coot's reflection looks like grebe's head)
Grebe on nest Grebe on nest (possibly old coot's nest)
Grebe on nest Not sure whose nest this one is
Grebe with eggs Thanks to Dr Harsha Vardhan Reddy for the above photo of a Grebe on her eggs.
Grebe on nest On the nest
Grebe with chick With a chick
Grebe feeding chick on back Feeding chick.
Grebe chick
Grebe with chicks on back Mum carries her striped young chicks on her back
Grebe with chicks on back
Grebe feeding chicks on back and feeds them there.
Grebe chick Grebe chick
Grebe family group Family group
Grebe chick with parent Mum with chick
Juvenile Grebe Juvenile
Parent with juvenile Parent with juvenile