Kalij Pheasant Lophura leucomelanos

There are several subspecies of the Kalij Pheasant, also called Kaleej Pheasant, which are native to the foothills of the Himalayas from Nepal to Thailand. In all subspecies the males have basically bluish-black plumage, the females brown, both with bare red eye patches and grey legs. They are closely related to Silver Pheasants (have red legs rather than grey) whose subspecies' ranges are adjacent or overlap, leading to hybridisation.
White-crested Kalij Pheasant
White-crested Kalij Pheasant
White-crested Kalij Pheasant
The White-crested Kalij Pheasant, Lophura leucomelanos hamiltoni, is native to the western Himalayas and Nepal. It lives in forests with dense undergrowth.
Nepal Kalij Pheasant
Nepalese Kalij Pheasant
The Nepal or Nepalese Kalij Pheasant, the nominal subspecies Lophura leucomelanos leucomelanos, is also native to the forests of Nepal.