Blue-bellied Roller Coracias cyanogaster

Blue-bellied Roller
Blue-bellied Roller
The Blue-bellied Roller is native to the northern part of sub-Saharan Africa from Senegambia in the west to Sudan in the east.
Blue-bellied Roller in flight
Blue-bellied Roller in flight
Blue-bellied Roller
Not as colourful as its Lilac-breasted cousin, the Blue-bellied Roller is striking when it opens its wings in flight. Like other Rollers, it also has a rolling aerial courtship display.
Blue-bellied Roller
Blue-bellied Roller
Blue-bellied Roller
They can be found at the edge of forest fires feasting on the fleeing grasshoppers, beetles and small lizards.
Blue-bellied Roller
Blue-bellied Roller
Blue-bellied Roller
Male and female have similar plumage; juveniles are a little duller and lack the two tail streamers.