Emerald/Green-winged Dove Chalcophaps indica

Emerald Dove
Emerald Dove
The Common Emerald Dove, also called just the Emerald Dove and the Green-winged Dove, has a wide range from the Indian sub-continent through Southeast Asia to north-eastern Australia.
Emerald Dove
Green-winged Dove
Green-winged Dove
The male (above left) has a grey crown bordered with white and a white "shoulder" at the top of the wing. The female (above right) has none or only a faint white mark on her upper wing and a thin white eyebrow with pinkish brown crown matching her body plumage. Both have pinkish brown bodies and green wings which can be iridescent in the right light.
Green-winged Dove
Emerald Dove
As expected with their extensive range, there are several subspecies.
Emerald Dove The back
Green-winged Dove
Green-winged Dove