Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis (/Hirundo) daurica

Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
The Red-rumped Swallow has a wide geographic range from southern Europe and Africa across Asia to Japan. The more northerly birds migrate south to join resident populations in Africa and India in winter.
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped Swallow
There is wide variation in appearance throughout the range and several claimed subspecies. The rump can be pale or red or, as here, pale below and red on the lower back. The nape is red and some populations have red faces and even a red crown.
Red-rumped Swallow In flight
Red-rumped Swallow Guarding their respective nest-building sites?
Barn Swallow Barn Swallow
The nest is closed and includes a small tunnel opening, unlike the common Barn Swallow, shown with them above right and below right, which builds an open mud nest.
Red-rumped Swallow The tunnel nest opening
Red-rumped Swallow
Red-rumped and Barn Swallows With Barn Swallow
The photos on this page were taken in Kazakhstan by Alexandra Makhnina.