Blue-crowned Laughing Thrush Garrulax courtoisi/(Dryonastes courtoisi)

Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
The Blue-crowned Laughing Thrush (also spelled Laughingthrush) is native to two provinces of southern China (Jiangxi and Yunnan). Rediscovered in 2000, it is close to extinction in the wild.
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
It looks a little similar to the Yellow-throated Laughing Thrush of northeast India to Myanma but has a blue rather than pale grey crown and nape.
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Male and female have similar plumage.
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush with leaf
There are over 50 species of Laughing Thrush (Laughingthrush), vocal birds with the common name coming from their "laugh-like" call.
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush
Blue-crowned Laughingthrush