The Common Waxbill (named after its sealing wax red, shiny bill), also called the St Helena Waxbill,
is a finch with red goggles which is native to much of sub-Saharan Africa. The Common Waxbill is very similar to the
Black-rumped (Red-eared) Waxbill (Estrilda troglodytes) which has a similar range.
However the Common has a brown rump (not black) and a black vent (not white).
Male and female have similar plumage but the female's colours are less bright.
"I got a brand new pair of roller skates."
The Black-rumped (Red-eared) Waxbill (not shown), native to central Africa overlapping the northern part of
the Common Waxbill range, looks similar with a bright red bill but has much fainter barring, a black rump, white undertail
and some white edging to the black tail.